Linda Bullivant
Reiki Master
20 Years experience

For your Complete Complementary Health Needs

Jouac, (87890) FRANCE

tel: 07 80 45 25 98
tel: 0033 780452598 email: [email protected]

Aromatherapy – Massage – Reflexology – Reiki – Pedicure – Manicure - Hopi Ear Candling

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a complementary health therapy which involves massage to reflex places found on the feet or hands or face.  Reflexology works well with mainstream health care as well as with other alternative therapies.

In reflexology the feet have reflex areas which correspond to all the parts of the body which means that during a reflexology session your whole body will be treated. If for example you have a problem with your back I will work on the corresponding area on your feet as well as on the rest of your feet. We often store strong emotions in our bodies, some of which we may not even be consiously aware of which over time can manifest into physical symptoms. These can effectively be treated with reflexology.

How you could Benefit from Reflexology.

Reflexology does not claim to be a “cure-all” but most people I have treated have found they have benefited from reflexology. Many come away saying they have enjoyed the experience and feel deeply relaxed. Surveys carried out by The British Reflexology Association showed benefits to those people with symptoms of stress, insomnia,  migraines, stiffness in the neck and back, and sinus congestion. 

Benefits may also include:

  • General feeling of wellbeing after reflexology.
  • Improved sleep patterns.
  • Relaxation
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Increased energy levels.
  • A reduction in mental/emotional conditions: anxiety, depression, negative thoughts, anger.

My Qualification in Reflexology:

In 2008 I received Level 3  V.T.C.T  in Reflexology from Chesterfield College, Derbyshire U.K. This qualification which includes Anatomy, Health and Hygiene as well as case studies and examinations is recognised in salons all over the world. Since 2008 I have been practising Reflexology (on the feet) in the U.K. as well as in France.


Most people can safely enjoy a reflexology session. However occasionally it is not possible to carry out reflexology if for example you have just had an operation, have high blood pressure, certain circulatory problems or are in the first three months of pregnancy. I will sometimes need your Doctor’s permission before carrying out a treatment. If you have any doubts please do not hestitate to ask.

What Happens During a Reflexology Session?

During the first session I will carry out a consultation while your feet are soaking in  a foot bath of essential oils. After a gentle foot scrub I will carry out a short massage to your  feet in preparation for Reflexology. After taking off your shoes and socks a firm pressure to all areas of your feet as well as to certain pressure points will be applied using my thumb and fingers.  Should you have any painful areas I will avoid those or use a more gentle pressure to suit your individual needs. The massage will not be generally uncomfortable even for those with sensitive feet. At the end of the treatment you should feel relaxed and at the same time more energised and your feet should feel warm and even tingly in a pleasant way. Some people describe the treatment as if they are “Walking on Air”.

How Long is a Session and How Many Treatments Do I Need?

A treatment normally lasts 45 minutes. A course of at least four sessions is generally recommended with more serious conditions sometimes needing six or more sessions spread out over weeks or months.  Some clients choose to have regular reflexology sessions for example monthly or with each change of seasons in order to maintain a general feeling of well being and to help ease any symptoms they may have.

You may feel in need of a treatment in times of particular stress or life changing situations such as after a berevement, an illness, problems at work, moving house, retirement or after a physical strain or an injury. Reflexology could well help you to feel better in yourself enabling you to deal more easily and calmly with the situation.

If you have never experienced reflexology and are not sure whether it will work for you why not try a session and find out for yourself? If you are unsure about anything please do not hesitate to give me a ring or send me an e mail with any queries you may have.

A brief History of Reflexology

The origins of reflexology appear to go back to ancient Egypt with drawings and inscriptions found in the physician’s tomb at Saqqara in Egypt. An ancient form of reflexology was also carried out in China and in other parts of the world.

 Zone Theory which preceeded modern reflexology started when Dr William Fitzgerald an American Ear, Nose and Throat specialist published a book with Edwin Bowers in the early 1900’s called Relieving Pain at Home. Dr Fitzgerald used pressure applied to zones corresponding to the location of an injury as well as to pressure points on other parts of the body in order to relief pain on his patients.

Dr Shelby Riley who worked closely with Dr Fitzgerald developed Zone Theory further by adding horizontal zones across the feet and hands, together with the longitudinal zones Dr Fitzgerald had mapped on diagrams of the body.

In the 1930’s  Eunice Ingham, a Physical Therapist who worked closely with Dr Riley treated hundreds of patients by applying pressure on points on the feet. She checked and rechecked each reflex point of contact until she was certain that the reflexes on the feet were an exact mirror image of the organs on the body. Reflexology as it is known today was born.

In 1938 Eunice published a book called “The Stories Feet Can Tell. She travelled around the U.S.A.  giving book reviews and workshops. As the sick people whom everyone else had given up on got better reflexology became better known.

In the late 50’s Dwight Byers joined his Aunt Eunice holding workshops. Through his books and workshops Dwight has shown people all over the world the benefits of reflexology.

Renee Tanner

Renee Tanner who lives in the U.K. is one of the world’s leading reflexologists today. She has written books and has worked to establish reflexology as a therapy accepted by hospital doctors and clinicians. She has worked with Doreen Bailey, a disciple of Eunice Ingham and  is known throughout the world as a speaker and an authority on reflexology.

My qualification: V.T.C.T. Level 3 in Reflexology is based on Renee Tanner’s routine and teachings.


Why not book a reflexology session today? Contact Linda Bullivant B.C.S.

Tel: 05 55 60 64 08

E mail: [email protected]

V.T.C.T. Level 3 Reflexology Chesterfield College, Derbyshire U.K. (2008)











Massage Indien de la Tête

En Inde, les bébés reçoivent un massage doux de la tête dès la naissance. Maintenant, vous aussi pouvez bénéficier de ce traitement profondément relaxant sur votre cuir chevelu, votre cou, votre visage, vos épaules et vos bras.


Cette ancienne forme de guérison redécouverte par le Dr Usui, un ministre japonais, aide à rééquilibrer le corps, l’esprit et les émotions. Je canalise cette énergie douce mais puissante en plaçant mes mains sur ou autour de votre corps en se concentrant là où elle est le plus nécessaire. La plupart des destinataires éprouvent un sentiment de paix profonde et une énergie accrue. De plus, des informations puissantes sur les causes et les solutions aux problèmes peuvent parfois apparaître. Convient à pratiquement tout le monde, quel que soit votre âge ou votre situation.

Indian Head Massage

In India, babies are given a gentle head massage from birth. Now you too can benefit from this deeply relaxing treatment to your scalp, neck, face, shoulders and arms. Can help you by reducing stress, tension headaches and by easing tight shoulders. This wonderful treatment can also help with depression, insomnia and create a feeling of deep relaxation. Can be given with or without my fabulous smelling therapeutic aromatherapy oils.


This ancient form of healing re-discovered by Dr Usui, a Japanese minister helps to re-balance the body, mind, spirit and emotions. I channel this gentle yet powerful energy by placing my hands on or around your body focusing where it is most needed. Most recipients experience a feeling of deep peace and increased energy. In addition powerful insights into causes and solutions to problems can sometimes occur. Suitable for virtually everyone whatever your age or individual situation.

Gardez vos pieds en parfait état avec ma pédicure Cerises Holistique! Profitez d'un spa pour les pieds avec un bain de pieds succulent, un gommage doux des pieds, une exfoliation, un lissage et un lustrage.

Une heure : 30 euros


Nous vous offrons une belle manucure relaxante avec main, exfoliation, massage doux des mains et traitement des cuticules avec un choix de vernis à ongles ne contenant pas de produits chimiques corrosifs, mais de belles couleurs.

Une manucure : 25 euros


Une manière complètement naturelle et profondément apaisante de réduire la cire dans les oreilles, d'atténuer les maux de tête, les problèmes de sinus et les oreilles collées. Aussi recommandé avant et après le vol.

45 minutes
35 euros

Bougies Auriculaires

Vous pouvez bénéficier de ce traitement profondément relaxant sur votre cuir chevelu, votre cou, votre visage, vos épaules et vos bras.

45 minutes
30 euros


Massage Indien de la Tête

Cette ancienne forme de guérison aide à rééquilibrer le corps, l’esprit, l’esprit et les émotions.

Une heure
35 euros



Pierres en céramique chauffées doucement pour donner un traitement profond et réchauffant. Soulage le mal de dos, la sciatique et les épaules tendues.

Une heure : 45 euros
30 mins : 30 euros

Massage aux Pierres Chaudes

Ce traitement est merveilleux pour créer le bien-être général, augmenter l'énergie et la relaxation.

Une heure
35 euros

le Réflexologie

Un massage relaxant et thérapeutique comprenant des huiles essentielles de plantes pures mélangées et sélectionnées pour vos besoins individuels.
Une heure : 45 euros
30 mins : 30 euros


Keep your feet in perfect condition with my Cerises Holistique pedicure! Enjoy a foot spa with scrumptious foot soak, gentle foot scrub, exfoliation, file and polish.

One hour
30 euros


A relaxing manicure with hand soak, exfoliation, gentle hand massage and cuticle treatment with a choice of nail varnishes - no harsh chemicals, only beautiful colours.

One hour : 25 euros
File and polish : 15 euros


A completely natural and deeply soothing way to reduce wax in the ears, ease headaches, sinus problems and glue ear. Also recommended before and after flying.

45 mins : 35 euros

Hopi Ear Candling

In India, babies are given a gentle head massage from birth. Now you too can benefit from this deeply relaxing treatment to your scalp, neck, face, shoulders and arms.

45 mins : 30 euros


Indian Head Massage

This ancient form of healing helps to re-balance the body, mind, spirit and emotions.

One hour
35 euros

45 mins
30 euros



Ceramic stones gently heated to give a deep, warming treatment. Eases backache, sciatica and tense shoulders.

One hour
45 euros

30 mins
30 euros

Hot Stone

This treatment is marvellous for creating general well-being, increased energy and relaxation.

One hour
35 euros

A relaxing, therapeutic massage including pure essential plant oils blended and selected for your individual needs.

One hour
45 euros

30 mins
30 euros



A relaxing, therapeutic massage including pure essential plant oils blended and selected for your individual needs.

One hour. Single treatment
45 euros

30 mins. Single treatment
30 euros